
do you guys remember the video i posted called ‘why i don’t want kids’ around a year and a half ago ? the response to that video was kinda overwhelming.

so far it has about half a million views, not to mention the comments. both in length and magnitude, but also intensity, the comments have blown me away. i’ve gotten so, so much hate but most importantly even more love ! and with that i’ve realised that this issue is probably not talked about as much as it should. is it taboo i’m wondering ? so i’ve decided to revisit the issue again, answering some of the most common questions i’ve gotten on the last video. let’s hope for less hate this time around. here goes !

what do you guys think, is this something we should be open to speak about more often ? and by the way – that hate on the last video, was almost exclusively from dudes. hmmm… simmer down boys.

love // jenny

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KIOMI x @c_l_o suit
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