Jenny Mustard

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ETC : 5 amazing tv shows you (probably) haven't watched

tv shows are taking over big time, and the medium is really growing into an art form all on its own.
so why not list 5 tv series that we think deserve way more attention than they’ve gotten.

do you know of any hidden gems from the tv-world ? let us know !

1. the bridge (bron / broen) (2011 – )
swedish / danish collaboration. think sleek, grey, scandi design, murders and dynamic characters. it’s so worth a watch and we can’t wait for the next series ( well, david isn’t as excited as me actually, this is my pick ).

2. taken (2002)
one of david’s favourites. alien abductions from the 40s up until today. spielberg produced, and amazing actors. totally cozy !

3. the legend of korra (2012 – 14)
oh korra is just the best ! a nickelodean kids show, but so extremely feel-good and still really complex. if we ever had a kid ( which we wont ) they would only watch korra and astrid lindgren movies. no jason goes to hell – do you hear that david ?
anyway, korra is everything a good adventure kids show should be : fun, exciting, feminist, touching, warm, and with the intelligence of showing that everything isn’t black or white, the villains aren’t really villains, and the heroes aren’t really heroes. we’re on the fourth and final season now, and we’ll miss it sorly when it’s over.

4. firefly (2002 – 03)
it’s no secret that i’m the hugest buffy fan. and joss whedon really knows how to do tv like no one else. firefly is like a space cowboy series, which sounds totally boring but is extremely entertaining. the show was cancelled so whedon went ahead and finished the series with a movie called serenity, which is super good !

5. my so called life (1994 – 95)
the break-through roles of both claire danes and jared leto – how cool is just that fact !
we get to follow high-schoolers in the 90s, with all the great fashion, music, and teenage angst that come with it. unfortunately they only made two seasons, but two is better than none !
prepare to get hooked.

that’s it – pop the corn !

love // jenny

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