Jenny Mustard

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ETC : mini jenny and other versions of me

a package just came from my artist friend in london, labelled “lovely jenny for lovely jenny”.
so everyone – meet mini jenny.
isn’t she lovely indeed. she is beautiful in an almost ghostly way, don’t you think ?

for the last couple of years i’ve been getting some stunning illustrations sent my way. there are not many things as flattering as being part of someone else’s art, and it always surprises me greatly.
here are a few examples:

by leann kong

by arty chatzoplaki

by cvnt basic

by jasmin jade

by jheng sin chang

by misa horkio

by nolo yaku mash

by samantha jade frost

by sitji

by tzen han

i’m so grateful to these talented artists (and others who sent me their work not featured in this post) for sharing their art with me.
it’s really true what they say – that art surpasses reality.

love // jenny