Jenny Mustard

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FOOD : trying american vegan candy

this is david’s idea. blame him for this silliness – i’m taking none of the responsibility !

when we were in portland back in november, david bought all these little sweets and treats. so after coming home to stockholm again, we filmed this video of me trying all of them. and it’s not until now that we’ve had the opportunity to finally finish editing it ( no editing computer in berlin in december ).

mine and david’s opinions of these treats are so different, so keep that in mind when watching. something i didn’t like he might have loved and the other way around. so why don’t you have a candy testing of your own and see what you think ? it’s a fun way to spend a few hours let me tell you. i mean just look for the signs of the mega sugar rush i’m having by the end of shooting this video ^^

what’s you favourite candy guys ? do you have a kind that you’ve loved ever since you were a kid ?

oh and don’t forget to hit me with your requests for future videos !

love // jenny

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