Jenny Mustard

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FOOD : vegan snack tasting | from veganboxen

in sweden there’s this new snack box service called veganboxen (the vegan box). they asked me if i wanted to review one of their boxes and i said yes, to david’s absolute joy and excitement ^^

me and david are having a movie night tonight, like we do every week, with three great films lined up. so when better to have the tasting than today ?

in the box* :
a bag of organic tortilla crisps
2 chocolate bars (one coffee and one orange flavoured)
2 energy bars (one with acai berries and one with chia seeds and vanilla)
one sweet liquorice rope
one bag of dried pineapple

my review
i love both of the energy bars, they remind me so much of being back in london where we used to have them all the time. they’re quite different from each other but both great !
the coffee chocolate bar is amazing. it has some crunchy nibs in it and the coffee flavour is quite strong. it’s delicious, and very rich. after two small bites i had enough.
the orange flavoured chocolate is also nice. i love orange chocolate, so i was pleased.
the sweet liquorice was awful. first of all because liquorice is like the one thing i can’t stand. and secondly because it was way too sweet for me. and i had it after the chocolate so i was all sugared out already.
the crisps are really nice. it’s so refreshing to try very heavily flavoured crisps that are organic and without any nastiness (besides from some sugar in the spice mix apparently), since usually flavoured crisps are so full of artificial flavourings and milk and sweeteners and stuff i don’t even know what it is. they tasted like chili flavoured tortilla crisps should taste like. now crisps aren’t they healthiest thing you can eat of course, but if you’re having them, you might as well have the organic kind.
and finally the dried pineapple : of course i like it – it’s just dried pineapple ! what’s not to like ? yum.

david’s review
me : did you like everything ?
david : yes.
me : what’s your favourite thing ?
david : the coffee flavoured chocolate.
me : what’s your least favourite thing ?
david : the orange flavoured chocolate.
me : anything else to add ?
david : nope.
me : come on, make this a little bit more fun. do one of your boring dry jokes.
david : heheh you’re mean. (and he just left the room)

there you have it – mine and david’s review of veganboxen !

so for our movie night, i think i’m having the pineapple and energy bars, and david’s eating the rest. and that will be the end of our veganbox ^^

of all these different snacks, which one would you most like to try ?

love // jenny

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*sponsored product