Jenny Mustard

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FRENCH VS SCANDINAVIAN STYLE - justine leconte collab

today’s video is a special one, a collaboration with none one other than the super talented fashion youtuber justine leconte. since justine is originally from france, and i’m of course as swedish as they come, we decided to dig deep into the essence of scandinavian vs french style. what do french people never leave the house without, and what’s ok to wear to work in scandinavian countries ?

we also found out what a scandinavian fashionista wouldn’t be caught dead in, and why french people hate print on print.
these are just some of the points we are touching on today, and yes – we will generalise heavily ! ^.^
hope you like this one guys !

can you guys recognise the fashion sense and style rules where you live ? i’d love to hear all about how you would answer the same questions in your country.
and don’t forget to also check out justine’s video

!wherever you live, remember that those fashion rules are meant to be broken. you do you !

love // jenny

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