Jenny Mustard

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who doesn’t want to feel beautiful ? to be happy with ourself and the way you look ?
why is it so hard then ? we are all gorgeous in our own quirky ways, we just seem to have a hard time realising it.

so let me ask you – do you feel beautiful ?
to be honest, i kind of do. but it took me a long time and lots of soul searching to get to this point. because here’s the thing – the odds are against us. we’re constantly bombarded with messages telling us we’re not good enough or pretty enough.

but i’m telling you, we are ! we just have to decide to believe it.
so that’s why i’m making this body image positivity kinds of videos. to remind you that you already are a pretty lil’ thang.

away with that cookie cutter and let’s celebrate our flaws and quirks. those are what makes us unique.

love // jenny

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i’m wearing :
top & trousers* from cheap monday
scarf from monki
diesel watch*

*press gift product