Jenny Mustard

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how healthy is your diet ? are you happy with the way you eat or does your diet make you tired and sluggish ?

i used to have somewhat bad eating habits, either under- or overeating. this made me feel always either too full or too hungry, never in a good balance with my body. for the last five or six years though, i’ve custom-made a vegan whole foods diet that fits my every need : energising, nutritional, colourful and fresh, quick and easy to make, friendly on the budget and animals, not to mention tasty as hell !

in this video i go through a few ways in which i changed my diet from quite crappy to brilliant ! eating vegan, mostly whole foods ( instead of the processed stuff ), and munching on the greens like there’s no tomorrow has made the biggest difference for me. i just couldn’t be happier with my diet than i am now, and i wish that on everyone !

if you hate cooking – try listening to a podcast the next time you’re in the kitchen, like mine and david’s for example !
if you’re useless at cooking – check out my ‘cooking for dummies’ video !

love // jenny

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