Jenny Mustard

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RECIPE : fruit bbq with lemon soyghurt sauce

bbq season is here. this is one of my favourite desserts to go with bbq, since it’s almost no effort to make – i mean you already have the grill heated – and it’s deliciously light and fresh after a heavier dinner.

the sweetness of the fruit goes perfectly together with the fresh tanginess of the lemon soyghurt and mint, and with a dark touch of that smoky grill flavour. add almonds for crunch and you’ve got a fresh dessert with complex flavours. almost any fruit will do, but today i’ve chosen pineapple, kiwi and watermelon.

the soyghurt i’m using is homemade – which is surprisingly easy. just let me know if you want me to make a recipe post for it !
store-bought soyghurt works just as well.

fruit bbq recipe :
1/2 pineapple
1/4 small or 1/8 large watermelon
1-2 kiwi
a few mint leaves, chopped
a handful of almonds, roughly chopped

lemon soyghurt sauce :
1 dl or 1/2 cup soyghurt (homemade or store-bought)
1/6 – 1/4 lemon, juice only
(i like it unsweetened just like this, but you can add some agave or maple syrup, or the seeds from one vanilla pod if you want)

instructions :
– if you want the sauce to have a bit more thickness to it, pour some soyghurt into a coffee filter and leave in the fridge for a few hours. this is completely optional, so feel free to skip to the next step.
– slice the fruit into 1-2 cm, or 1/2 inch slices. grill for a few minutes on each side.
– mix soyghurt with a little bit of lemon juice, gradually adding more until you’re happy with the taste (with optional syrup or vanilla for added sweetness).
– place the bbq fruit on a plate or board and drizzle the sauce on top. sprinkle with almonds and mint leaves. looks nice garnished with some lemon slices.

let the grilling commence !

love // jenny