Jenny Mustard

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RECIPE : sushi burritos | cheap lazy vegan recipe swap

i’m so happy about this recipe swap video !
rose from cheap lazy vegan is one of my favourite youtubers – her videos are so fun, easy to follow, and just mouthwatering.

her recipes are all about brilliant, easy, tasty and cheap food. stuff you can whip up in the blink of an eye, take to school or work with you, and cook on a budget. yet her food is never boring, uninspiring or bad for your body !

these guys are going to be a new picnic fav of mine. they’re so easy to make, just throw in whatever you have in the fridge. i followed rose’s recipe in using baked sweet potatoes and avocado, but changed it up a bit by adding purple cabbage for crunch, and mustard for that wasabi-like spiciness, instead of rose’s epic looking chickpea ‘tuna’ salad.

wasabi can be difficult to find without a bunch of weird stuff, so i like using organic dijon mustard ( with like 4 or 5 ingredients only – no sugar, no oil, no crap ).

normally you add sugar or something sweet to the sushi rice, but the sweet potatoes add enough sweetness, so all you need is some rice vinegar in the rice.

sushi burritos
makes 2
about 150 g / 5.3 oz uncooked sushi rice
1 sweet potato
1 small or 0.5 large avocado, sliced
a handful of purple cabbage, shredded
about 1-2 tbsp homemade mustard, or organic dijon mustard
about 1-2 tbsp rice vinegar
4 nori sheets
serve with light soy sauce or tamari, mixed with a litle bit of water

– cook the rice according to the instructions on the package. let cool to room temperature.
– bake the sweet potato whole with skin left on, in 200°C / 400°F for about 45-60 mins, until soft. let cool.
– when the rice has cooled off, add the rice vinegar and mix thoroughly.
– place a nori sheet on your bamboo mat ( or freestyle if you don’t have a mat ). cover the sheet completely with a thin layer of rice.
– make a line of mustard in the middle of the nori, making sure the layer is thin. use as much mustard as you please. i like mine smothered in mustard, david not so much.
– slice the sweet potato in thick wedges. place half of the sweet potato, avocado and shredded cabbage on the mustard line. you can fill it up quite a lot.
– carefully and tightly roll the nori – when you reach the top, place another nori sheet just under the edge of the first one. use your finger to moisten the edge with some water to make the nori sheets stick together. continue rolling, and repeat with the process to make another burrito.
– roll the burritos in some wax paper held in place with some string, to make it easier to eat. plus, cute right ?
– serve with tamari or light soy sauce. we like adding a bit of water to our soy sauce to make it not quite so salty.

let me know if you try this one kiddos. i think i’m going to make them with brown rice and persimmon next time.

and don’t forget to check out my girl rose’s youtube channel, and tell her i sent you. she’s a keeper !

love // jenny

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