Jenny Mustard

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we used to live in london for 4 years, and it has now been almost exactly 4 years since we packed our bags and left. we haven’t even been back to visit a single time since then – you could say london and i didn’t separate on particularly good terms. but recently i have had the feeling of nostalgia towards the place, and when i look back everything seems painted in an unusually flattering light. where is this all coming from i wondered, so i decided to both answer some of your questions about it, but mostly to remind myself why i left in the first place. here is the story of why london and i was a passionate love story, that just didn’t work out.

being an online nomad isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely charming. i’m learning so much about myself and the world every time i move to a new place, and london was the place where i first started my career as an immigrant. so no matter the not so good things about the city ( yes, it is the city ), i’ll always have a special place for london in my heart !

i would love to hear your thoughts on this. are you a londoner totally disagreeing with me, or are you from somewhere else considering moving there ? 

love // jenny

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