RECIPE : drinks recipes from juice bar JUICEVERKET


the other week i met up with andreas from the stockholm juice bar juiceverket to talk veggies, recipes and the importance of delicious tasting drinks. juiceverket also kindly shared two of their recipes with me – a polka beet and ginger juice recipe, as well as a green apple and spinach smoothie recipe. both of them were absolutely delicious, so i really recommend you trying them out or visit one of juiceverket’s 5 stockholm locations !

juiceverket is founded and run by friends andreas, sebastian, claes, and niklas. they opened their first place 4 years ago at odenplan in stockholm, after being inspired by the juice bars they’ve visited while travelling abroad. they took about 10 months to develop the concept and 5 years later they now have no less than 5 venues in stockholm.

the venues are beautifully low-tech, with the stock being visibly stored as a part of the interior design. this means that all the ingredients in their drinks are for sale for customers wanting to continue their juicing at home. further emphasizing the down to earth, low-tech feel are the recycled peanut butter jars they’re serving their drinks in.

for those interested in juicing, juiceverket is offering two different kinds of two-day juice fasts – one for people working out, and one more slimmed down. they believe in the benefits of giving your body a break, rebooting that pleasure center and tastebuds as to get rid of unhealthy habits. for them, juicing is not a quick fix, but more of a positive start in building a new healthier lifestyle.

they’ve also published a juicing book, sharing tons of recipes as well as all the good stuff they’ve learned these last few years. it’s an important part of the concept that the drinks are delicious first – healthy second, not the other way around. two of the guys have backgrounds working in restaurants, which gives their take on juicing a little twist. for instance, a part of the book is dedicated to recipes for mixing alcohol-containing juice drinks, and about which juices taste great together with food.

polk salad annie juice recipe
1-2 polka beets
1-2 apples
1 carrot
1 cm or ½” ginger
20 ml lemon juice

– peel the beets and run everything, except the lemon juice, through your juicer
– blend the juice with ice and lemon juice and serve

apfel unt gemüse smoothie recipe
5 cm / 2” zucchini1 stalk of celery
1 tbsp frozen green peas
10 ml lemon juice
2 green apples
a handful of spinach
5 mint leaves
1/4 avocado

– run the squash, celery and apple through your juicer
– add the juice and remaining ingredients to you blender and mix

the interior

letting their ingredients be part of the interior design

one half of the juiceverket quartet : andreas and sebastian

the cover of their stunning book juiceverket, with recipes and tips for aspiring juicers

i got really inspired in my own smoothie making at home after trying juiceverket's brilliant drinks. green peas in smoothies - who knew ?

love // jenny