3 THINGS : to make your smoothie healthier


another 3 things video ! i do love these, they’re so much fun to make (although a lot of work too !)
this video is all about health – making your smoothie as nutrient-packed as possible. 3 recipes – all with different attributes.

if you’re into nutrition – you can also read my column about how i found health if you want !


3 things : healthy smoothies

calming green
1 orange, peeled
1 banana, peeled
100 ml / 0.4 cups green peas
a large handful of kale
1 kiwi, peeled
juice from 1/4 lime
1 tsp dried mint leaves, or a small handful of fresh mint leaves

protective yellow
1 orange, peeled
1 banana, peeled
200 ml / 0.8 cups mango, diced
juice from 1/4 lemon
1-2 tsp ginger, grated
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp black pepper

energising red
1 orange, peeled
1 banana, peeled
1 beet, peeled and grated
150 ml / 0.6 cups raspberries
juice from 1/4 pink grapefruit
a pinch of cayenne pepper (or as much as you dare)

– put everything in your blender and blend. easy right ?
– oh and of course feel free to mix it up, adding whatever you prefer. and like i said in the video, just go ahead and add turmeric and black pepper to the green and red smoothies too if you want, it’ll only make them healthier !


let me know if you try these or if you have any other smoothie tips you’d like to share !
you guys seem to like healthy breakfast ideas, right ? or any other requests ?

love // jenny