Jenny Mustard

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COLUMN : to my readers - thank you for being you

about a week ago i asked you guys to introduce yourselves to me by answering a few questions. just standard things like who you are and why you’re here.

i read all your comments out loud to david, and we were strangely moved and touched. we had no idea that the results would mean so much to us. because of the hundred or so introduction messages we got, we now feel connected to you in a totally new way.

you’re no longer numbers on a screen. you’re no longer just user from austria who clicked a facebook link, and user from japan who google searched ‘vegan recipes’.

instead, you now are :

jules, jamie, justine.
sportswoman, guitar player, video game maker, archivist, anthropologist, and cat-loving hipster.
canadian, finnish, lebanese, irish, russian, and hong kongese – but longing to move to prague, london, and stockholm.

you’re vegan, vegetarian, omnivore. with a passion for fashion, health, minimalism, art, walking barefoot in the woods, and baking french cupcakes.

you’re in love with your wife, your city, your school, your two sons, and the beach.

you can’t seem to stop eating cheese even though you try really hard, and you find being vegan totally easy. you had never even tried vegan food until you stumbled upon my blog.

you have an eating disorder that you’re winning over. you’re useless in the kitchen and need the simplest possible recipes. you’re eating too much unhealthy junk food, but want to start taking care of yourself. you’re just here for the outfit posts.

your family is giving you a hard time over your lifestyle choices and you need moral support. you love interior design DIY projects and wish i would focus more on that than on recipes. you’re only here for the recipes, but occasionally read a column anyway.

you love charlton heston, into the wild, a christmas horror story, joy luck club, twister, and any of the classics. you could never say just one favourite movie, cause there are so many great ones out there.
( i hear ya ! )

you want me to stay true to myself, to write about whatever interests me, to evolve and change my blog as i evolve and change as a person. you don’t want me to write about anything particular just because my readers want me to. but you do want me to write more quick 3 movie tip lists. and why not do some more dessert recipes ?

you’re kind, hopeful, tired of your job, young, old, happy, depressed, and talented.

and i’m so grateful to have you.

love // jenny

p.s. make sure to never miss a post – follow me on bloglovin’ !

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