Jenny Mustard

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ETC : 10 money saving hacks

in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of creating that minimalist dream life is – learning how to stop wasting money on unnecessary things. in this video i share mine and david’s top tips for saving money, without the sadness and depressiveness of being cheap.

over the last couple of years when building this online career of ours, we’ve managed to live off of just one salary, or sometimes not even that. and we’ve done so while living in london and stockholm – two of the most expensive cities in the world.

it’s not been easy. it has definitely not been all fun. but it has so been worth it since we’re now able to both of us live comfortably off of or own creative business.
here’s a few tips on how we saved in on every penny !

one of the best things about being drawn to minimalism is that you after a while realise how little money you actually need to be safe, comfortable, and happy. sure money is fun, and money makes life easier in a lot of ways. but i think we generally need much less than we think.

now here’s hoping that our more extreme money saving days are over and we can start splurging a bit to treat ourselves. now being able to do so is something i feel we really deserve.
but again, if you – like us – value building your own dream life and lifestyle more than you do money, we want to send some encouragement. even on the darkest days of this journey, it has been worth it. i don’t regret one bit of it !

love // jenny

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