Jenny Mustard

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ETC : a day off

so i know i’ve been posting a lot about celebrating my new cookbook lately, but exactly when should you celebrate for a whole week if not when publishing your very first book ?

so this is from last week, when me and david had a whole day off. doing nothing, just strolling throught the city, doing some shopping, eating tons of good food, having champagne and going to the cinema.
and – i have to admit – going into every bookshop we could find to look at the book on the shelf ^^

wearing my new favourite blouse and arm cuffs from brandi foo *, who’s not only a talented designer but a long-time follower and friend.

makeup game on point – if i may say so myself.

just thinking of all the lipstick marks i’ve left on wine glasses and tea mugs over the years makes me want to tip the bar staff even more.

and there she is. cute right ?

we had dinner at vietnamese place minh mat. they’re not a vegetarian restaurant but have a completely vegan section of the menu, with organic food and wine.
david had a noodle stir fry with like 4 different types of mushrooms, and i had tofu and morning glory with tons of garlic and wild rice. we always share our food with each other so that you get to try two dishes at every restaurant, and both of these were yummy.

we’ve been having some trouble finding food that we really like at restaurants for the last couple of years, because we’re not used to eating food drenched in oil. and for some reason most restaurants feel the need to make even a fresh salad or stir fry taste nothing but vegetable oil.
so ok, this was oilier than how we would have it at home, but way fresher than the food we usually get. also, the service was excellent and the venue very nice too. check it out if you’re ever in stockholm.

there’s always time for a waiting-in-line-for-the-restroom selfie.

after dinner we went to the cinema and saw paper towns. it was quite a cute little film. didn’t blow my mind, but it had some original and clever ideas that we liked. have you seen it ?

this was like the best day for a long time. thanks for sharing it with me <3

love // jenny

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