Jenny Mustard

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ETC : top 7 youtubers with high-quality videos |our current favourites

this is what today’s working lunch at mustard headquarters looks like – smoothie bowls while scouting for new youtubers to get inspired by.

we’ve been doing a lot of this lately, searching high and low for the best quality content on the tube. and we’ve definitely struck gold quite a few times !

so we thought we’d share our findings. here are our latest favourites !

ok, so most of these picks are kind of huge ones, but for some reason we haven’t checked them out until recently. youtube is such a wide and wondrous place, you can just stumble upon a hugely popular channel that you’ve never even heard of before – isn’t that amazing ?

michelle phan
when we first found michelle’s channel a while back, we were just gobsmacked. the effort and care she puts into her videos are baffling – she must seriously be one of the most productive youtubers out there. a lot of productions for tv with big budgets and large crews don’t even look this well-thoughtthrough. not to be missed !

casey neistat
the best vlogger we’ve ever come across, caisey’s videos are not only entertaining as hell – they’re stylish beyond compare. he really deserves the fast-growing success, what a guy ! seriosly inspiring.

krist yu
this chick is as innovative and original as content-creators can get. krist puts so much uniqueness and fun quirkiness into her videos, that it’s impossible to look away. she’s got more tricks up her sleeve than should be legal. we’d love to spend a day picking her brain, it sure seams like a fun and colourful place. upping the ‘krist yu’ factor of our videos is definitely on our to-do list.

rachel aust
our favourite minimalist, and a youtuber which content we can relate to quite a bit, since she talks about the same things we do – minimalism, health, fashion, etc. if you like our content, you’ll love rachel’s ! she’s got such an eye for beauty, and the time and effort she puts into her content is so apparent to us viewers. we always get excited when we see she has a new minimalist video up !

carly cristman
we just found carly the other week and she has quickly risen to our top list. carly’s just so effortlessly witty and entertaining, with video material that is beautiful, sleek, to-the-point, and fun to watch. check out her ’10 ways to feel like you have your life together’ video. too good !

neither one of us is particularly into beauty videos. we know it’s one of the biggest youtube-genres, but it’s just not really our thing. enter lamadelynn !
her videos are so beautiful and cheerful that we don’t even mind that they’re beauty vids. plus, she seems like the sweetest perston – and like us, she’s a vegan feminist ! what’s not to love ?

if you saw our ‘pros & cons of working with your boyfriend / girlfriend’ video, you already know that we love dariadaria. this channel is stunningly shot, with a calmness and serenity that is contagious. non of the shouting or drama, just stunning shots from travels, makeup sessions and general vegan life stuff. the only downside is that most videos are in german. ah shoot !

bonus pick : british vogue
ok, so british vogue can’t by any standard be considered youtubers, but we’re adding them as a bonus pick because they’re material is really great. if you’re into fashion, they’ve got some brilliant little docs – all beautifully shot and edited.

now, go do some youtubing and thank us later !

or before you go, why not share your own favourites ? we’d love to get some new channel-tips !

love // jenny & david

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