Jenny Mustard

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FOOD : our first weekly food haul video

a vegan food haul video, where we show you guys what a weekly shopping trip looks like at mustard headquarters.
we’ve done one finally ! sorry for taking so long.

this was quite a small haul for us, since we had a lot of stuff left over from last week. other staples are rice, beans, tofu, frozen berries, lots and lots of oats etc. we do our best to buy mostly organic and whole foods. and of course, everything’s vegan and yummy yummy.

like i say in the video – just let me know if you have any questions about anything and i’ll do my best to cover it in a later vid.

and here’s my weekly meal plan from last week !
i’ve definitely been more and more into food prepping and only buying what i need for the week lately. it’s so nice to have a fridge and pantry that isn’t overflowing.

what are you eating this week ?

love // jenny

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