Jenny Mustard

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HEALTH : 7 ways my body has changed from going vegan

first of all, thank you so much to all of you who took the time to send me some birthday wishes yesterday – you are the best and i was so happy to read all of your little messages <3

we had the loveliest, most relaxed day. did some shopping, some champagning, and a whole lot of korean fooding.

talking about eating – let’s move on to today’s video !
i’m listing 7 ways my body has changed from going vegan. as you will hear, it’s quite a big change.

so basically everything from bloating, energy levels, hormonal changes, and eating habits, to a killer immune system and standing still weight-wise. not too bad from just one lifestyle change huh ?

are you vegan ? have you ever made a big diet change ? did you notice any differences ? would love to hear all about it !

and for more info on my diet, check out my post 3 ways to eat healthy without restricting yourself.

love // jenny

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( these pics are from the dim sum buffet in my cookbook by the way ^^ )