Jenny Mustard

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HEALTH : my diet

i love food. and i mean deeply and passionately. i always have.
but like i always say : i just choose to eat food that loves me back.

i get asked all the time about my diet. what i eat. how much. am i a raw vegan ? low-fat ? gluten-free ? do i count calories, have a goal weight, what about fat percentage ? am i worried about protein, kalcium, fatty acids ?

oh man. that doesn’t sound like fun at all. more like hard work, than enjoying the pure pleasure that is eating.

i eat plants. healthy vegan food. that is my diet. i eat until i’m full. like very full. i eat stuff that makes me feel good, that makes me happy.
which means i eat mostly veggies and fruits, with whole grain (oats, rice, wheat, buckwheat etc) and legumes (beans, peas, lentils, tofu), and on top of that i usually have some nuts or seeds every day. some white pasta or rice sometimes too. and that’s it.

oh, not to mention spices and herbs ! i go absolutely crazy with them spices. when i cook for me and david (or anyone else), i take it easy with the spices though since david always says my food “tastes too much” – like there could be such a thing as too much taste. i instead put tons of bottles and jars of different spices and condiments on the table and smother my plate with all that goodness. i tend to go a bit overboard, i’m not gonna lie.

varied, colourful, fresh. i feel more than great, and am not at all worried about getting enough nutrients. all i do is eat nutrient-packed food !
if you don’t want to take my word for it – i’ve checked my values twice since going vegan 8 years ago, and they’re excellent. i mean like top notch good.

i like cooking my food from scratch as much as possible, simply because i love the feeling of having created something completely by myself. that also means that i know exactly what’s in the food i’m putting into my body, which is a beautiful feeling.
when someone offers me food though, i’ll eat anything as long as it’s vegan. i figure that a little bit of crap once in a while isn’t going to hurt me. i’m not about fanaticism or making strict rules for myself. my diet is a kind diet. relaxed and forgiving. and so very satisfying.

the only thing i do take extra care with is vitamin b12. us vegans (and most other people too) have a difficult time getting enough of that, so i pop a pill every morning (when i remember to). if you’re vegan or over the age of 50, you should too.

i hope this is clear enough. let me know if you feel like i missed something.

i’ve written a few other pieces on health, habits, and food if you find this interesting.
here are a few of them :
COLUMN : i am what i eatCOLUMN : weakness in numbers | why i don’t weigh myself or count calories
COLUMN : how i found health

and you should check out my video on how to start a healthy life :
3 THINGS : taking back you health

as always, wishing you all the health and happiness. i’m here if you have any questions.

love // jenny