MINIMALIST CLEANING HABITS | get tidy + organised


i hate to clean ! it’s just the worst, don’t you think ?
but, no matter how annoying it is, we have no choice – our home deserve to be clean, decluttered, organised, tidy, and beautiful. so today i’m sharing my all-time favourite minimalist cleaning hacks, tips, and ideas.

everything from setting a simple plan, tidying up and decluttering regularly, how to make cleaning more enjoyable, sharing the load with someone you love, finding the right cleaning products ( organic, vegan, and natural if possible ! ), and a few tricks and tips like getting the help of apple cider vinegar and barry white !?

let’s watch !

also, as mentioned in the video – this is a friendly collaboration with lovely youtuber pick up limes !
go check out her minimalist cleaning video, and all of her other videos too of course ^.^

love // jenny

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