ETC : our countryside morning meeting


i got quite a lot of photos from mine and david’s trip to the lake house last weekend. and of course we did some filming too – i can’t wait to show you the results.

here are some shots david took of me at a morning meeting we had at the top of the stairs in the early sun. if there’s one addiction i have, it’s my after-breakfast morning cup of tea. i also seriously love morning meetings. planning is every self-employed’s best friend. i’ve got notepads filled with to do lists. i might go a bit overboard sometimes. but isn’t there just something so satisfying with ticking of a list ?

this was by far the least vacation-y holiday i’ve ever been on. work all day long. we actually needed a day off when we came home oh man. we were completely exhausted but very happy still. working isn’t half-bad when you’re doing what you love.

more from our trip tomorrow, and a i’ve got a video lined up from the lake house on sunday.
ok i need to refill my tea cup now, talk later.

love // jenny