Jenny Mustard

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ETC : my work free zone

i love working from home. it suits my personality perfectly, since i’m one of those people who focusses better curled up in the sofa with a cup of tea and my own spotify jazz playlist in the background. cubicles, fluorescent lighting, and desk chairs have never been my thing. but we’re all different. some prefer the office environment, to not be distracted.

in my opinion, working from home has one downside though – the line between work and play is very blurry. it can be hard to leave work behind at night and just chill out, when you’re in the same sofa you’ve been working in all day. so me and david have a spot. an almost sacred spot. where no work talk is allowed. a work free zone, for just hanging out and chatting about nothing. maybe read a magazine. have a drink. that kind of thing. so it’s become one of my fav spots in this flat.

these pics are from the other day, when we had a day off (well sort of). i love having a little drink before starting on dinner. this was lovely. and we ended up having summer rolls for dinner, so i wasn’t complaining at all let me tell you ^^

oh just realised that these are sort of only closeups but you can see the spot better in the video here if you want !

another thing – i just started a bloglovin’ account. is anyone else there ? so far i absolutely love it !
it’s completely simplifying my blog reading and log collecting experience ^^
you can follow me on bloglovin’ here, or click the button at the bottom of the page.

happy friday kiddos ^^

love // jenny