
let’s talk about FOMO – fear of missing out. do you have it ? should you get rid of it ? how to deal with the stress and anxiety of it ? we’re here to help !

we probably all get a bit of fomo once in a while. it’s just logical in a cyber world where we always get notified of what everyone else is up to 24/7. question is do we really need to feel fomo ? is fear of missing out something that is necessary or just stressful ? and can we get rid of it ?

this term that has virtually exploded all over the internet as social media has become just about as important as breathing to a lot of us. we constantly get updated about what everyone else is up to, and it happens that our own lives seem bleak, boring, and unfulfilled in comparison. we get stressed out, fearing that we might be missing out on all of the amazing things and happenings the world has to offer. and it’s so obvious to us that everyone is having a better time than we are !

in this sunday breakfast with the mustards, we come up with ideas on how to feel more calm and content, letting go of the stress that fomo causes, and at the same time making sure to have a hell of a good time while at it !

social media is often pointed out as the bad guy when we talk about these things. but hey, that’s hardly the full story. social media is complex and beautiful being. stressful and annoying at its worst – motivational and inspiring at its best.
as lars von trier would say, we have to be prepared to take the good with the bad.

ah, we feel so much better now. because come on, there will always be another paris fashion week. and tokyo isn’t going anywhere ! and come to think of it, this sofa in this apartment in this city really isn’t a half-bad place to be in.

love // jenny & david

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in this styling :
swift 7 laptop** from acer
wooden scissors*, stapler* and tape dispenser* from bllomingville
watch* from squarestreet
zoeva lipsticks* (silver)
homemade calendar that you can print for yourself, find it here
gold eyeshadow* from makeup store
cheap monday sunglasses*
axiology lipsticks* (gold) from savue

*press gift product
**part of sponsorship