Jenny Mustard

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3 THINGS : david's favourite romantic movies

in our relationship, david is responsible for romance.
he’s really into the pink, fluffy, puppy dog love things. i’m less sentimental and have a slight allergy to pink fluff.

so for this edition of 3 things, i’m leaving the rudder to david.
here you have it – david’s top 3 romantic movies ( get the tissues ready people ! )
take it away david.

away from her (2006)
there’s nothing better than seeing old people just as in love in their old days as in their younger years. unfortunately, in this movie, the woman gets alzheimers and has to be placed in a home, with restrictive visiting hours so that the memory of who her husband is slowly fades away. this is an even more heartbreaking take on a similar theme as the notebook (which i also love), because we see the whole progression of her disease.

brokeback mountain (2005)
stories about forbidden love is usually set in a time and place that can be hard for us to relate to. for example, the peasant and the noble woman or the other way around in every single costume drama ever made. booooooooring ! this however has a modern take that will unfortunately resonate with audiences for years to come. the eastwood western landscape, the 60s and 70s towns in the great plains states, michelle williams and heath ledger as the most depressed couple ever. what’s not to love.

before sunset (2004)
before before midnight and after before sunrise, there was before sunset. even though the first movie set the tone for the trilogy, i think that the second movie is the most romantic due to the longing of two 30 somethings that can’t wait to leave their present life and start over (i’m not talking about us jenny, calm down).

bonus flicks david :
dirty dancing
the notebook
all that heaven allows
(500) days of summer

jenny’s favourites :
like crazy
battle royalein the mood for love
fried green tomatoes
far from heaven

ok your turn – hit us with your best tearjerkers !

love // david and jenny

p.s. make sure to never miss a post – follow us on bloglovin’ !

other movie lists :
3 movies that will make you stop buying stuff and become a minimalist3 movies for those with wanderlust3 movies about going back to your hometown.