Jenny Mustard

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COLUMN : celebrate your way out of melancholia

i’ve got some news – our berlin plans are settled ! or at least some of them.
this time next week, we’ll be fresh of the plane, walking the streets and taking it all in. i’m more than excited, i’m bursting !

( so, sorry for not posting thursday videos lately. we’ve been having some problems both with finding the time and the computers to edit. first three weeks without our imac in portland, then 10 days here in stockholm editing like crazy to be ready for 3 weeks in berlin without our imac again. that’s why we can’t manage more than one vid per week now, hope you understand ! )

living like this – like something close to a nomad – is wonderful. it’s exciting, thrilling, and inspiring.
it’s also quite exhausting.

we haven’t had a home of our own since we left london 20 months ago. 20 months without our own furniture, kitchen, bed. 20 months packing lightly, not wanting to buy anything that will slow us down. 20 months without normal paychecks, without a permanent address. now we’re ready to find a home.

but we’ve got some way to go. first december in berlin, then back in sweden for christmas and new years. and then ? who knows. hopefully properly moving to berlin.

coming back to stockholm from portland was rough. did you read about the cheeky mouse who had left us some nice surprises in the house when we got back ?
at the same time, so many fun things are happening here too. it’s been an emotional roller coaster for quite a while. the uncertainty of the future being the cause of both highs and lows.

we had decided to celebrate one of those highs yesterday. a fun collaboration which was a big deal for us. so david had planned a cozy night in for us. but i was feeling anything but celebratory. this scary, up-in-the-air lifestyle was getting on my nerves. i had a rare i’m-so-fed-up moment.

david insisted we’d celebrate anyway. he looked me straight in the eye and said ‘just accept that life is unstable and spontaneous for us right now’.
then sat me down in a chair, handed me a glass of champagne, and put on some music. he gave me a pack of my favourite genmaicha tea, and an interior design magazine i’ve been wanting to check out for ages. he went into the kitchen to cook, leaving me nothing to do but relax. huh.

and then it slowly seeped in. if i have a reason to celebrate, a reason to drink champagne on a normal grey wednesday afternoon, i must be doing something right. if i have a boyfriend humming in the kitchen, cooking soba noodles for me, i can’t be doing that bad. not to mention that plane ticket to berlin for next week.
and just like that i was excited again. if i have those things, i would be crazy not to accept that life is unstable. i can do spontaneous a little while longer.

that doesn’t mean that i’m not ready for settled and grounded. we want a home of our own. a kitchen with our own equipment. a home office with drawers filled with well-organised papers. a bed. a proper set-up for our movie nights. linen and slippers. tons of glass jars with veggies fermenting away. throwing dinner parties and having lazy sunday mornings. you know – everything you need a home for.

so here’s hoping that berlin might be that for us. a home. i’ve got a feeling that it might be.
ah, at least for a while anyway.

and next time i’m having a case of the melancholia ?
i’m telling david to pop the champagne. let’s celebrate.

love // jenny

p.s. make sure to never miss a post – follow me on bloglovin’ !

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