FOOD : my top 5 kitchen favourites


in this video i’m listing my top 5 kitchen favourites – things i think everyone should have at home, especially if you’re vegan. i use most of these ingredients almost every day, and my cooking just wouldn’t be the same without them. neither taste- nor nutrition-wise. i hope this video will inspire you to explore new taste sensations and take care of that body the best you can ^^

read my column on how i found health if you want to know more about my view on healthy living.

other recipe videos showing in the film :
– vegan summer rolls
– how to : sauerkraut 
– fablunch’s green goodness detox salad
– easiest ever raw vegan fudge
– no-bake banana choco slices
– how to : the only tomato sauce you’ll ever need
– 3 things : healthy vegan snacks

health websites :
– physicians committee for responsible medicine
– läkare för framtiden (swedish)

let me know if you have any questions about the ingredients listed. and like i said in the video – please share your favourites too ! would love to know your top 5 guys ^^
and tell me, should i make more of this kind of videos on my own eating and cooking habits ?

love // jenny